Imag Kennels, home of the rare Japanese Spitz breed. Puppies and Stud dog


Whelped: 17 May 2005

Parents  Grand Parents Great Grand parents
Daifuku Sama of Shimazu (NZ) NZ CH. Codeman of Dinara NZ and Aust CH. Silverbow Storm Boy
NZ CH Mistletoe Luv of Sonoma
NZ CH. Yukinohana of Sonoma NZ CH. Lil Drumma Boy of Sonoma
NZ CH. Silverbay Luvina
Storm Adx
Mondial White Satin Night (NZ) NZ CH. Masetsu Ninki Mondial the Conman
Masetsu Sachiko
NZ CH. Mondial Hot
August Night
NZ & Aust CH. Isbjorn
Chiisai Buki
Masetsu Nintai


      Deeva came to us with her sister Masako. Deeva was named by my fiancé. She was the smallest one in the litter, coming from the Mondial lines. Fresh out of the kennel Deeva went straight for the water, not to drink, but to sit in it. She is a water dog by trait. She does have a nickname, ‘deeviette’ because she can be devious at times. She is full of energy and when she is excited her whole body just wiggles and moves like a wave. She loves to watch television. She shows her emotion for programs by barking. If she really likes the program she will stand on her hind legs in front of the t.v. and bark as she walks up and down the console. Diva is a diva and loves attention and to be around people. She loves to run and she is quite fast at it.






Show Results

10/06 International Show in Antioch: Deeva wowed the judges by winking and flirting with them. She was very animated and had them smiling. She earned all the necessary points for the four shows to earn her International Title.






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japanese spitz breeder, japanese spitz photos, japanese spitz puppies